Our Classroom

Our Classroom
Special Day Classroom for high school students with Severe Disabilities. Our focus is in creating a safe learning environment where our students can explore vocational opportunities, as well as master functional academics for their future success & independence as young adults.

Incentive Trip

Our next Incentive Trip is to have lunch at Taco Bell.

How do you earn the trip?
Students do a self reflection at the end of each day. The rank themselves in 5 different areas- 0 pts =not so good to 3=great work, with a point total of 15. When the students earn 15 points for 8 days in a 2 week period, they earn the trip! We keep track on a visual chart they fill in daily.

Currently, the five questions we ask our students are:
- Did you check your schedule?
- Did you follow directions?
- Did you stay with the group?
- Were you prepared for class (ie had pencils, paper; wore PE uniform correctly)?
- Did you use good language and manners throughout the day?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another world, another time

I was just reading my post from a year and a half ago. It almost seems a lifetime ago.

Sadly, I left my high school post, not of my own choosing. I miss my students but know that they are in good hands. I know the skills we worked on will help them in their future adult lives.

I have since moved to another part of Northern California, and have totally shifted grade levels. I currently teach a Kindergarten- First grade class for students on the Autism Spectrum. It has been a tough Fall semester. One that has challenged my own core beliefs and views of myself. Yet it has also strengthened my resolve that our students (abled & "dis"abled) alike need a structured environment to give them a safe place to learn new skills and build upon the old ones.

I am hoping over the next few months that I will be updating this blog with good resources for families and educators.

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Classroom Kitchen

Classroom Kitchen
Our students learn food preparation skills. From basic hygiene to planning a Thanksgiving Feast, our students take an active role in all aspects no matter what there ability level is. The magic of cooking is the ability to combine math (budgeting, measurements), reading (finding recipes & following directions), writing (creating shopping lists), and health (hygiene & sanitation) into an arena our students can understand, manipulate, and excel in.